Identifying your Target Audience

Choosing your target audience within the target market

A well defined target audience for you business products and services is very important. By targeting a specific group, you’re not excluding those who don’t fit in that group; you’re just focusing your efforts on those most likely to buy from you. It’s the most efficient way to reach your clientele.

Identifying your target audience

Say that you’re a car company preparing to launch a new crossover. You can choose to target those who are age 35-60 with household incomes of £40,000+. To refine your market further, you may want to target people with families or young children. Premier Digital can develop creative design strategies to target specific age groups. You can refine your market further again, for and example, singling out women. By clearly focusing on your audience, it becomes much easier to market your product/services.

Looking at the competition

What target audience is your competition going after? Study their marketing techniques, What go’s into their promotional materials, ie. flyers leaflets and brochures? What does their customer/client profile look like? Try exploring a different market. In doing so, you might find a niche that isn’t being addressed.

Analysing your product/services

Create a list of all the features of your new product or service. Then list the benefits that each one provides. For an example, a window cleaning company is offering a new power washing service. The benefit is the that they are already there to clean the windows, so they might as well power wash your driveway at the same time. So ultimately, the benefit of the power washing service is to save you time because you’re only dealing with one company.

Once you have a list of your benefits, identify the type of person that the added benefits will help. The window cleaning company can target busy homeowners who are interested in power washing. Obviously, this is a fairly general example, but it gives you a starting point.

Choosing Demographics

You need to determine not only who has a need for your product or service and also who is most likely to use the business, Consider some of these important factors when studying your target market:

Income level
Marital or family status
Ethnic background

Evaluating Your Potential Market

Once you have studied and determined who your target audience is, there are still a few questions you will need to research:

1. Is there enough of an audience to generate adequate sales?
2. Is the market for my product/service growing or shrinking?
3. What is the profit potential for this market?
4. How well is my competition doing?
5. Will my audience be able to afford my new product or service?
6. Will they be receptive to my message?

Being ‘receptive’ to your message is were Premier Digital in Inverness will help you in developing that message. As an experienced graphic designer your message will be developed with a strong creative approach, and high impact marketing based strategy.

Targeting your potential clients with promotional offers, can also help you target your audience more effectively. Promotional elements like these can be included in the creative marketing campaign. When you know who you’re targeting, it becomes that much easier to determine the way to reach them, and how you can motivate them to buy your new products or services.

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